Our world is changing fast, as digital/creative skill is becoming something of a necessity and added advantage for those who are well equipped
Whereas should there be a time to enrol your child(ren) with digital skills, then that time is now, because that's where our world is heading to, because their minds are still flexible and can as well assimilate fast. More so they are free, no much school activities taking their time and attention...nor is there any other thing bordering them generally
Just why your child(ren) should enrol in digital/creative skills:
- Digital skills increase the confidence of your child(ren) 'cause the world is currently in that pursuit
- Digital skills increase anybody's value in the labour market
- Digital skills provide alternative income' source, by far a major one
- These days, it's more like a plus to creativity and IQ
- By far, there's no known disadvantage nor logical reason why you shouldn't enrol a child