I’ve been getting a number of request from WhatsApp users asking “how do I shorten my Whatsapp link?”∴
I sure know how it looks like, having your phone number clearly spelt out (on URL/link).
Now here’s the drift.
- Copy your WhatsApp link; could be one you created or generated via this page.
- Visit https://bitly.com/
- Paste your WhatsApp link on the dialogue box (Paste a link to shorten it).
- Click “shorten”, and viola, your shorten link generated.
Here’s a short clip on how to shorten WhatsApp link (30 sec. playtime)
Alternatively, you can visit goo.gl console to create a short URL, though you must be an existing user, as unfortunately, Google has shut down support for goo.gl URL shortener for newcomer.
But, in case you are still looking how to go about generating your WhatsApp link, here>>>follow this guide and/or use the form within to generate one.
You may even want to put a custom text into WhatsApp messenger link right here.
You are welcome
Thank you, just what I was looking for.
You’re welcome, Toyin
Thank you, Thanks for This
Thanks so much. I searched Google. Found you on 1st SERP, and you solved my problem about whatsapp link.
Can we put our name in this link???
Yes you’ll need to create a customised link for that. Please you can register on bit.ly to have the option of doing that
Please registration error
The number has to be started by +234
I made a mistake if it could be change I’ll be very grateful
My number is +2348144810731 for correction
Your correct URL is wa.me/2348144810731
Hope this helps
I must say your solutions were very useful. Welldone!
My link is not working
Damnit Naomi. May I know if you followed the guide rightly or maybe you’ll go over things again. I believe it should work for you if everything being equal.
pls help me and shorten the link
Please visit http://www.bit.ly to shorten your WhatsApp link.
Thank you for this guide. I found it really helpful
This was really helpful.. Thanks
Thanks ..your piece was really helpful
I know bitly helps to shorten my link. How to I generate whatsapp link for my number?
Kindly visit this webpage to generate your WhatsApp link https://tobidigital.com/create-link-whatsapp-generate-leads/
Is it only available for business account and not normal whatsapp account?
It’s actually available to all the WhatsApp versions (both personal and business)