How to create personalised text/message to WhatsApp link

If you've created your WhatsApp link, you may be wishing to achieve more from linking to WhatsApp.

Now, do you know you can make your WhatsApp link to carry a default message...something like "Hi TobiDigital!" or something different.

Custom direct message to WhatsApp is a creative way to link up with prospects, especially if you are offering assorted services/products, special offer/promotion, referral/affiliate program or you are organizing an event.

Say, for instance, you are running a promo for one of your products or services on the pages of social media, website, or elsewhere. Having a link that specifies/or attach the particular offer to a message, could be a creative but encouraging way to make things more user-friendly.

Ok. I'm currently running a website design promo and after all my ranting online, I included a call-to-action link to my WhatsApp, from where prospects can reach out to me regards the very promo. It would make sense if I could have a link which upon click would read something like:
'Hi, TobiDigital. I'm interested in your web design promo'.
Test the link here'm+interested+in+your+web+design+promo

To create, a link as this is nothing technical, as you can use the following form to generate your own WhatsApp link to text.

Fill your input below, but follow the instruction in the form fields. 

    *Please use international tel standard. i.e country code followed by phone number. Do not include plus(+).

    *please put + between every word. e.g Hi+there.+ I'm+interested...

    Subscribe to similar updates (optional)

    Please take note of the instruction written within the form fields. If you mistake an input, you may not get the correct string.

    whatsapp bulk message sender blaster application software

    Here's a link:'m+interested+in+your+web+design+promo
    You can modify the link above to personalise something for yourself.
    Replace the numbers written in blue with your own phone number. Please note that the phone number includes the country code required by WhatsApp URL/link to function.
    Now also replace the text written in green with your chosen text, the + (plus) sign indicate space; meaning you can create any sentence using the plus sign as space in-between words. DO NOT PUT SPACE OR A GAP, just the plus sign (+) in the middle of every word.

    Meanwhile, if you are still looking to generate simple URL/link to WhatsApp, you may follow this guide on how to, or an instant link generation machine 


    All the best!



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    9 Comments to “ How to create personalised message to WhatsApp link”

    1. mirabel says :Reply

      Great Guys!

    2. Naim says :Reply

      Good info Tobi.
      How do I insert new paragraph like example below.

      Name :

      1. TobiDigital says :Reply

        Unfortunately, you may only use space at the moment and not paragraph.
        An alternative way to go about it is by creating as many spaces as possible within each text, say
        Hope this helps

    3. Jay says :Reply

      You are good. Thanks

    4. Sebastian Ebonhor says :Reply

      Both and can’t shorten the link. How else can we shorten link generated with text?

      1. TobiDigital says :Reply

        Hi Sebastian
        Fortunately, will definitely shorten any link provided on its platform.
        You may kindly try using the site again.

    5. Kkk says :Reply

      Hi. How to create personalised link to a whatsapp grp instead of my number?

      1. TobiDigital says :Reply

        You may follow this screenshot guide on how to copy/get the link to your WhatsApp group

        How to create personalised link to a whatsapp grp instead of my number

        How to create personalised link to a whatsapp grp instead of my number

    6. Sam says :Reply

      Hi tobi, How to create my own website

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