Four most profiting remote works in Nigeria in the year 2020

Working remotely is an entirely different approach to getting jobs done. It has been described, quite popularly, as working from home and it simply means just that—working from home! To work remotely is to lead a professional existence in which location is by no means a determining factor for productivity. Telecommuting. Location independence. One needs not ache one’s head about dressing in a particular manner for particular professions, commuting from home to work and the cost of such often cumbersome transportations. Just have your laptop ready, feed it strongly on a wired or wireless connection, and in the case of our dear Giant of Africa be wise to add to the list a generator, preferably standby.
That being said, I think it is equally expedient to establish the fact that the most important word in the heading is no other than the word ‘profiting.’ And why is that? Again, ‘The Nigerian Factor!’ Here in our beloved country, passion is never enough reason to pick up a job. You’ve got to carefully weigh its likelihood of sufficiently paying your ever-piling bills because ‘belle no sabi passion o!’ Now, you need a translator. How am I even sure you are Nigerian?
Now, 2020! What a year this has been. Never has there been more need for an increase in remote works than it is now and that is so for many good reasons. This is a year that has come to change virtually everything about our living. First, we were tyrannically held behind our gates by the villainy of one Mr. COVID, and now we must live with the effects of that lockdown, effects that have been rightly estimated to stay with us for a very long time, if not the rest of our lives. A lot of jobs have been lost in their millions, and that’s putting it mildly. Some jobs, however, happen to have been impervious to this pandemic onslaught and have been augmented by it, and those are jobs requiring no offices, the ones done online, the ones done from home, the ones done remotely. Remote alternatives have been sought for various jobs and the eyes of Nigerians are daily being opened to the fact that the future is soft. Therefore, stay with me and read to the end, for, in the following paragraphs, I shall succinctly explain a few of the most profiting remote jobs in Nigeria in 2020, and why they are so-called.
Digital marketing
The aim of this article is not so much about doling out a list of remote jobs as it is about eliciting the most profitable ones. It is for that reason that topping the list will be no other than digital marketing. Digital marketing can make you rich – yes, even here in Nigeria – if only you are abreast of the ever-changing face of the digital marketplace. According to Smart Insights, digital marketers were the most hired persons by companies in 2015. The successive years have recorded a mammoth increase in that fact. Experts believe that by 2020 – a positive vision 2020 – this area will be the most influential, and with good reason: from banners to big data, digital marketing has continued to meet the needs of customers and brands alike. Get an office if you like, but no office is needed for this job. A rich understanding of SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, paid advertising, etc., would suffice. Even on the road, as long as you remain in the terrain of digital marketing, there is no albatross around the neck of your money-making!
Web developing
Web development in Nigeria has witnessed a monumental revolution and evolution over recent years. Web developers design and create webs. Some web developers work in the computer systems design and related services industry, while others – most actually – are self-employed. Still, others work in industries including publishing, management consulting, and advertising. There just is nowhere you are unwanted as a web developer. Are you vast in the knowledge of programming and graphic design? You can make your money even on the street as a web developer. The employment of web developers is projected to grow by 8 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. As estimated, demand will be driven by the growing popularity of mobile devices and e-commerce. Forget the story! I have a handful of web developers as friends and, trust me, those guys are making it big!
Here is another much underestimated cool way to make good money online. There are various forms of writing: from creative writing to content writing, copywriting, etc. As must be expected in the process of anything worthwhile, rising to a strong financial height will take some effort. But once you are there, you are there! Nigeria is bad, Nigeria is bad, yet writers continue to make their money like nobody cares. Do you still believe that Nigerians don’t read? Well, bloggers have not been made rich by engaging the optics of illiterates.
Photography is much circumvented when we talk about remote jobs and that’s because many people don’t see it as remote. Yes, you need a studio but not as a criterion. To be a photographer, all you need is a camera and a burning desire for capturing beauty, which resides wherever you choose to see it. So yes, photography can be done remotely. Now, how do you make your money? Simple—not easy but simple. Put up your photos for sale on stock photography websites; search for photo contests and photography competitions to join; start a photography blog or YouTube channel; sell your printed photo.
The list of profitable remote works in Nigeria is endless. Nigeria is a fiercely competitive marketplace and the arrival of 2020 has only heightened the competition. We are right in the middle of the wild information age and there is virtually nothing you do, digitally, that doesn’t translate to cool cash. You must not only be willing but also determined. Stay with it and it will work for you. Don’t forget, the goal is to be profitable.