How to sell big as a JForce agent and earn huge commission

Being a JForce agent doesn’t just automatically open you to making the money. In fact, there’s big work to be done in order to be a success and earn huge commissions.
JForce is a profit-sharing scheme in which you as a Jumia customer earn a certain commission percentage for successful orders you placed for yourself and/or for others on Jumia’s retail chains. Successful orders are orders that were successfully delivered, and that have passed the return eligibility window.
Now you may be wondering how do I make sales as a JForce agent and ultimately make money from the sales program. You could also be looking at how to increase your level through networking among other activities and ultimately become a JForce top agent. But there’s more, the JForce program also opens you to opportunities and incentives including an all-expense-paid holiday or trip abroad and more.
But then again, these all don’t just come on a platter of gold. Now you may want to prepare your mind for the task and demands: Making money cum levels on the JForce scheme are determined by your activities on the JForce program: We are talking about activities such as the volume of orders you placed over a period of time or targets you were able to meet, and perhaps how consistent you are over the time. Asmushas that may sound demanding, but it’s not all an impossible task, not even close!
See yourself as a seller
As a JForce agent, you may want to start out by having the right mindset which may entail seeing yourself as a trader/or trading entrepreneur; someone who has the goods/or stock ready for sale. It could be likened to owning a shop with stocks of choice, could even be a supermarket stocked with a variety of goods, and rightly, Jumia currently has millions of stock in its retail chains ranging diverse categories of essential and nonessentials (products).
As Jumia will not bring the market to you, you are to take the market directly to the end customers, going forward.
At this juncture, you may want to challenge yourself;
I’ve currently imported about 50 pieces of battery pack/power bank, sourced 50 pieces of PS4 game controller, sourced some 20 Pieces of lady’s shoes from the local market, and more. How do I sell these? Or, what are my chances of selling out these -if my only option is strictly online?
You may even want to set a deadline (/goals), Say, I have all to sell within a month.
Now, this very mindset and/or approach may prove the right pressure you need to get to work and achieve (your goals) on the JForce program to begin with.
Project yourself as a general merchandiser
Unless you’re industry-aligned, you may want to engage in everything saleable to ensure you meet consumers’ diverse needs. Yea, to make more from JForce, you may want to put yourself in the general market or build a brand in that wise.
Don’t limit or restrict yourself to a product category, say because people know you as a beauty enthusiast, hence you want to market fragrance only, perhaps with hair and other products in the beauty category. Whereas this may get you stuck with beauty products without scoring reasonable sales anyway, while your competitors who are open to various products categories are cashing out on all fronts.
Picture this,
Shop A sells only hair products while shop B deals every product in the beauty line (perfumes, wears, hair, etc).
You may want to bet the owner of shop B tends to make more income than the former.
This is what it means to diversify and present yourself as the go-to person on anything the consumers would need.
Presenting yourself as the person that can supply anything we need will ensure people always walk up to you when they have needs, anything whatsoever. But this is how you increase your mileage and build your customer base.
Source for hot products/products with prospects
This is where you make the right business decision if you care about making sales cum money through the JForce commission. Unless your sales business is known for a niche, say beauty and stuff, you need not restrict your products sourcing to hair, creams, and stuff, but everything that can sell and earn you as much revenue as you desire.
For instance, we are in the season of hand sanitiser, Personal protective equipment (PPE) and essential goods, as a JForce agent who is passionate about sales, these could be products to capitalise on, just for the money *winks.
Always be on the lookout and take advantage of seasons and consumer trends to engage fast selling products.
The more the prospects of your listed offers, the more your chances of selling big and fast, and the more you earn as a J Force agent.
Go full-scale digital marketing
Digital Marketing is an art, and it’s what sells everything online. These days, your online business success literally relies on your marketing ability on the internet.
There are almost not many ways to go about it, you have to be savvy in internet marketing and be able to pitch sales through copywriting, lead magnet, and sales funnel among others.
You may want to invest a little in digital marketing (in knowledge and medium).
These days, digital marketing may not be effective/or far-reaching if you don’t run a paid ad. But this is where you bring the hot products you’ve sourced into play, after having mapped out your marketing strategies (creative, target audience, platforms, etc).
If you want to learn digital marketing properly, you may want to enrol in our digital marketing program one time. CLICK HERE to enrol now
Social media marketing
Unless your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter followers are all made up of your customer, there’s certainly a need for you to reach out further to a wider audience. This is where you do social media paid advertisements, notably Facebook ads, and Instagram. Although the platform of choice may be determined by your product category. For instance, Instagram may sell more of your fashion/beauty products, while Facebook may sell more for other product categories. You may also want to decide your marketing strategies in content, creatives, and platform to sell, based on audience and sales prospects.
Alternative online advertisement channels
Not to stress you further, but you may also opt for other platforms and means; the search engine, video/YouTube, and web ad placement. You may have been seeing advertisements display on some websites you visited, and or when you visit Google search, even YouTube. People like you are the ones placing those ads and you may want to learn what it takes to be in the game.
Start your own eCommerce website
You may want to take things further by creating an e-commerce website that has a stock of products listed on the Jumia website. Having a website may prove significant for your organic reach and can consistently generate traffic/sales/ and revenues.
From personal testimonial; People go Google search to look for certain products and during the course of that do land on our eCommerce website. As a result of this, we get contacted now and then from Google users looking to buy one thing or the other through our online store. How they landed there, Google knows.
Read more on how the search engine can help drive traffic to your ecommerce website and project your sales
There’s actually much more you can take from hosting your own eCommerce website, as you can build affiliate links to products on other eCommerce websites (such as eBay, Amazon, Konga, and even Jumia). This means, for every purchase a visitor makes through affiliate links on your website, you earn a commission. At the same time, also, as a JForce agent, you earn exclusively for every order you sell from the Jumia inventory.
If you’re not a web developer, you may want to work with a developer who understands the e-commerce business and possibly digital marketing. These days, hiring a web designer may not be enough, as your online business goal is vital, and so, you may want to do with someone who very much understands the business part of your mission.

TobiDigital can help you initiate an eCommerce website project from development to marketing.
Build a team
Now this is where it gets interesting
JForce also provides for multilevel marketing scheme for agents to build on and make a token from orders placed by a network of downlines/team members.
To enrol a team member, the contact (you want to enrol) must have been Jumia’s existing customer, and such must have also registered as a JForce agent. But JForce membership only gets validated by the first successful order (placed by the new team member).
Registering a member into your team is quite easy, as that can be easily done on the JForce app: What you would require is membership registration information such as name, location, telephone number, and email address.
After effect, for every order placed by the member(s) of your team, you earn a token even as the downline earns, and this is also how you become a boss.
Sell as a Jumia vendor
If you would like to take everything, you may want to get involved directly by selling on the Jumia platform. If you are into mini importation or you source goods from the local market (to sell for profit), you may want to leverage the JForce program to boost your revenue further.
Personally, I do this; place orders for my customers through my store/inventory that is listed on the Jumia website. Jumia remits to me the proceed from the sales (as a Jumia vendor), even as I earn a commission (as JForce agent).

In conclusion, your business success would ultimately be determined by your marketing plans/strategies and approaches. As you can see, there are a number of ways to go about it. You may get results on your own with the right set of strategies and practice. But you may also require a hand in some parts.
If you would want to raise your marketing game as a JForce agent, host your own eCommerce platform (where you can also enlist affiliate products), and or learn more about digital marketing best practices that boost sales, you may want to reach out to us here.
If you have other questions regarding the JForce program, you may want to go through our comprehensive note of question and answers on the Jumia Force program.
Cheers to your business success!
On my jforce profile page, I saw “recruit a store” does that mean., if I recruit a store, anything they sells there I earn a commission as that of a “recruit a member”?