Monday, 26 December 2022
Published in Digital Marketing, Discussion, Featured, Social Media, Trends
Currently, Nigeria has over 33 million active users on social media; a figure that is projected to grow In the coming years. Business is no longer as usual, your customers are online and so, you need an effective strategy to drive good results going forward. Although there are different approaches to digital marketing, social media
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Published in Digital Marketing, Discussion, Reviews, Social Media, Trends
It is no news that social media is key when it comes to digital marketing, as the platforms provide you an avenue to push your business to reach your target audience, even at a low marketing cost. However, there may not be a standard to how you play the game on those fields. Those who
A German court has today (Monday 12th Feb) accused Facebook of dissent, so to say, after ruling Facebook’s use of personal data as illegal because the U.S. social media platform did not adequately secure the informed consent of its users.For over a while now, Germany has been quite critical over how Facebook handles sensitive personal
Artificial intelligence appear the next big thing that could be taking the world, and Facebook founder / CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has justified the technology would be helping out with suicide (prevention) among users of the social network.